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📊 How A $50k+ MRR Consultancy Got Its First Clients With YouTube Content

Learn the exact early growth strategies used by Paddy Galloway to land Mr Beast as one of his paying clients and generate over 5000 leads in his waitlist.

Paddy Galloway is a YouTube genius. He has built a YouTube consultancy empire to $50,000 - $100,000 / month, worked with Mr Beast and has over 5000 leads in his waitlist.

He did this all without sending a single line of cold email or cold calling.

I have compiled 4 chapters on how his content growth strategy led him to secure clients such as Mr Beast, Noah Kagen and many other titans of YouTube.

  • Chapter 1: Setting the stage

  • Chapter 2: Content Design

  • Chapter 3: Content Analysis

  • Chapter 4: Securing the client

Chapter 1: Setting the stage

Paddy Galloway's love for YouTube started when he was just 12 years old. But unlike others, his true passion wasn't creating videos. He was obsessed with understanding how YouTube channels grow and succeed. He wanted to uncover the secrets behind the algorithm, the strategies that lead to growth, and how they built such a powerful community around their brand.

Like every YouTuber, Paddy Galloway began by testing out various niches for his channel, such as ‘how much money do celebrities make?’. However, in 2017, he changed his focus to a video titled "How Peter McKinnon gained 1 million subscribers in under a year," which marked the beginning of a niche that would change his life forever.

Paddy had already been taking notes about Peter McKinnon's growth strategies. So he decided he might as share his findings in a YouTube video and see how it would be received, as there was also no one doing this at the time. This decision also aligns with the purpose behind my this newsletter series, where I publish my findings on early growth strategies used by startups that can be replicated for my headhunting agency, outforce.xyz.

Now, let's take a closer look at how Paddy creates his content...

Chapter 2: Content Design

Paddy Galloway's videos stand out with their simple and minimalist design. This intentional choice of simplicity has played a significant role in his early growth strategy. Let's explore how he created the design of his content and the factors that contribute to its effectiveness.


Paddy Galloway creates his content using a simple style. He features videos without showing his face, opting for simple graphics with a white background. He takes on the task of writing his own scripts and providing voice-overs. To bring his ideas to life, he uses a software called VideoScribe.


Like many YouTube channels, Paddy Galloway's early thumbnails were not initially perfect. They didn't capture attention effectively. However, he recognized the importance of refining his thumbnail design and content structure through constant trial and error. He experimented with different copywriting techniques and visuals for the video to optimize their impact and appeal to his audience.

Old Thumbnails

After multiple changes, he eventually discovered a consistent thumbnail design that proved to be highly effective branding. One of his most successful and recognizable thumbnails features is the iconic red graph, which became a visual representation of his content and brand 'the guy with the red graph’. This visually appealing and consistent thumbnail design played a significant role in attracting viewers and driving significant engagement to his videos.

New Thumbnails

Paddy Galloway also maintained a consistent color scheme of red, black, and white across his branding and incorporated an exaggerated image of these creators with a green outline, creating a distinct and recognizable visual identity, similar to how all these YouTubers make their own thumbnails.


Paddy knows how to write catchy copywriting for his videos. Take a look at his thumbnail with the phrase "The man who broke YouTube." It's so attention grabbing and makes you curious to click and see, how this is actually possible. He's got a eye for creating things that hook you in and make you want to watch more. With clever and captivating phrases like that, Paddy knows how to get people interested in his content.





By highlighting keywords like "Beat" and "Broke" in red, he creates a visual emphasis that immediately grabs attention. These power words are much more intriguing and captivating than simply mentioning a subscriber count, right?


Paddy Galloway's video titles are attention-grabbing and clearly explain what viewers can expect from the content. He often mentions the name of the content creator, which holds a lot of influence and sparks curiosity.

You might have noticed that there are multiple videos featuring Mr Beast. Why is that? Well, Paddy is using a tried-and-true strategy that many top Twitter creators also use. He repurposes old content that performed well and puts a unique spin on it. In this case, he targeted specific videos like 'How Mr Beast's Squid Game Broke YouTube' and 'How Mr Beast Made YouTube's Greatest Video.'

The interesting thing is that Paddy applies this same strategy for his clients too. He knows the power of leveraging successful content and tailoring it to different topics or niches to maximize reach and engagement. It's a smart approach that helps him deliver results for his clients.

Alright, let's shift our focus from the thumbnail and design and dig into what really makes Paddy Galloway's content go viral…

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